Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Smells on the Bus Go Round and Round

You knew it would eventually come up on Bussted. You could probably say its long overdue. 

Its the subject of foul odour when riding the bus. Most times the ride is fine. Just normal, everyday scents. But when certain people get on, that changes really quickly.

I'm lucky enough to work flexible hours at my job, but taking a bus after 9 a.m. comes with a price. 

Just before the bridge to downtown, there's a guy that gets on the bus who carries an almost indescribable odour. And he seems to always sit 1 or 2 seats away from me.

Imagine going for a 10k run in 30+ degrees weather in a turtleneck (no deodorant allowed!). When you finally finish, you douse yourself in chicken stock. Then you empty your spice rack onto the ground and roll around in all of the spices. That would be the best way I could describe this smell  If I didn't know better, I would guess that would be his daily routine.

To add to this, he's got a friend, who looks like he could possibly be his brother. Sometimes they get on the bus together, other times a stop apart. They both have the same odour, so it's a double dose of stank. I call these guys "the Stank Brothers".

The Stank Brothers don't look dirty. They're well kept guys, maybe just wearing track jackets, jeans, and clean white sneakers. You could be deceived by their appearance. But man, that smell!

And what is it with people leaving their house smelling like food? Good food scents usually don't translate into good body scents. I mean, steak and eggs in the morning smells great when its cooked, but that smell should not be on your skin. A shower or a quick wash up is nothing to be afraid of.

I need to get back to taking the early bus.

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