Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This Just Can't Be Summer Love ...

The heat can make people do some crazy things. Combine that with a little bit of love at first sight, plus  the every day interesting things that happen on the bus, and here's what happens ...

At a stop on the way home the other day, a girl was trying to get on the bus, but the guy walking beside her apparently was trying to change her mind by talking to her and blocking her way. When they finally got to the door of the bus, everyone could hear the conversation.

"Dude! This is my bus! I need to get on here!". He reluctantly moved so she could get on. But he wasn't done yet. She sat down at a seat in front and he got on the bus.

"Just ... Just .. Hold on a sec. Can I just talk to you for a minute?".

The bus driver interrupted. "Your fare please." 

The guy did the self pat down, and of course he had no fare. "Hold on, hold on  ... "

"Buddy! I gotta go home. Just go!"

Again the driver interjects. "Do you want him on here?"

I thought it was obvious, but I guess the driver just wanted to be sure. The girl immediately said no,  so the driver told him to get off the bus. The guy stepped out slowly, and walked along the side of the bus, looking through the windows at the girl, who now sat looking at the floor, laughing and shaking her head in disbelief.

"Oh my god, do you believe that guy?" she said to the passengers beside her as the bus finally started to move. She must have been glad that was over, having a little laugh to herself.

But then like a low budget version of a Terminator movie, it still wasn't over. Some passengers started laughing and pointing. What was this? The guy was running along the sidewalk, in and out of pedestrians - chasing the bus as we slowly picked up speed. This guy was determined! Soon he was left behind of course.

But was he? A couple of stops later, someone says, "What the? There he is again!" This was crazy at this point. Fueled by infatuation, he somehow managed to catch up to the bus. The girl tried to tell the driver not to let him on, but before she could, he got on, now visibly sweating and out of breath.

Swallowing a gulp of air, hands on his knees, he finally managed to get some words out as he looked around.

"Where is she?" He was obviously disoriented, as she was sitting a few feet away from where he stood. But of course, we bus riders stick together. No one was going to say a word. On top of that, we just wanted to get home. With no answer from anyone, he did the universal downward swipe in the air to show that he'd finally decided to give up. He walked off of the bus, disappointed.

As for the girl, she seemed to take it all really well and just laughed about it.

Poor guy. He was love struck, and persistent, and probably a little buzzed. Don't worry man, you'll find yourself another summer love ...