Monday, April 19, 2010

Don't Read and Drive

So today on the bus ride to work, I happened to sit near the front of the bus, since the other seats were mainly filled. I'm listening to my iPod, enjoying some good old school hip hop, when out of the corner of my eye I noticed something about the bus driver, so I had to do a double take.

This was an older grey haired guy with glasses. He had a medium sized day planner/calendar spread out on the steering wheel, left hand flat on the calendar, and with his right index finger also running along on the calendar grid, I'm assuming looking for a certain date. This was on the highway, and I'm assuming he was driving with his knees for a bit or something. I'm not sure how long he was doing that for, but soon after I noticed he put it away. Really Mr. Bus driver?? Are you telling me you couldn't check that date while the bus was stopped? I know you hear a lot about not using cell phones while driving, but this guy has a bus full of people and he's looking over his calendar instead of watching the road. If bus drivers have bad habits like regular drivers, it makes me wonder what other kinds of things they do that we don't know about while they're sitting up there ...


  1. WOW!!! You should send this to Winnipeg Transit along with the bus number and approx. time! Man, when I was reading your blog, the thought of your daughter flashed through my mind. I can't imagine the lack of safety and the gross negligence this ‘civil servant’ has the nerve in displaying... He should really consider that this isn’t just a ‘job’ and that people who put their trust in public services have lives that they would like to get back to. Where is the civility in this poor display?

    Greg Fletcher

  2. I was thinking the same thing Greg. I think I was just stunned at what I was seeing, and I wish I would have had my senses about me to take down the bus info. If I do see this guy again, I know I will definitely report it, for the safety of all Winnipeg Transit passengers.
